Friday, July 10, 2009

Day 4: In which we muck around

We began class with another trip to the kitchen, this time to perform a wash-down. This task, which is done after each service (breakfast, lunch, dinner), involves scrubbing surfaces clean with a dishwashing sponge and detergent. One is supposed to pay special attention to work tables, sink tops, racks and stove and oven exteriors. My taller classmates also cleaned the exhausts positioned above the stoves. The soapy lather is then wiped down with a damp rag. Afterwards, the surface is sprayed with food-grade sanitizer and left to dry. When all this is done, four volunteer saniteurs from the class sweep and mop the floor.

"So, has the impression of the glamorous kitchen changed?" asked Chef Vic.

No, Chef. Yes, the sponges we used were sitting in water that was an ominous gray, while the rags were tinged a similarly dire color, but we did our homework and know that this is part of a cook's work. I might momentarily entertain second thoughts if you ask me to pick up with my bare hands the dead festering bodies of cockroaches - highly unlikely that there are any in your
immaculate kitchen - but otherwise I don't scare that easy. I suspect my being a neat freak might even make wash-downs enjoyable for me.

The rest of the evening was spent discussing HACCP and developing a sample food safety plan for catering a wedding. We were reminded to study for our quiz and midterm on Tuesday and

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